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17 Artikel gefunden


M. W. Ranney: Microencapsulation Technology.

M. W. Ranney: Microencapsulation Technology.

48,88 €
Raup, D. M.; Jablonski, D. (Hg.): Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1985, June 16..

Raup, D. M.; Jablonski, D. (Hg.): Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Report of the..

17,00 €
Bernhard, M.; Brinckman, F. E.; Sadler, P. J. (Hg.): The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in Environmental Processes. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berln 1993..

Bernhard, M.; Brinckman, F. E.; Sadler, P. J. (Hg.): The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in..

24,00 €
Arnold, D. R.; Baird; N. C.; Bolton, J. R.; Brand, J. C. D.; Jacobs, P. W. M.; Mayo, P. de; Ware, W: Photochemistry. An Introduction. [= Academic Press Rapid Manuscript Reproduction]
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1974.

Arnold, D. R.; Baird; N. C.; Bolton, J. R.; Brand, J. C. D.; Jacobs, P. W. M.; Mayo, P. de; Ware..

17,00 €
Bartmann, Wilhelm; Trost, Barry M. (Hg.): Selectivity - a Goal for Synthetic Efficiency. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop Conference Hoechst, Schloß reisensburg, 18 - 22 September 1983
 Weinheim - Deerfield Beach - Basel, Verlag Chemie, 1984.

Bartmann, Wilhelm; Trost, Barry M. (Hg.): Selectivity a Goal for Synthetic Efficiency..

24,00 €
Dorn, James M.; Hopkins, Barbara M: Thanatochemistry. A Suvey of General, Organic, and Biochemistry for Funeral Service Professionals. Second edition. [4th printing]
 Upper Saddle River, Prenzice Hall, June 1999.

Dorn, James M.; Hopkins, Barbara M: Thanatochemistry. A Suvey of General, Organic, and Biochemistry..

28,00 €
Andreae, M. O.; Schimel, D. S. (Hg.): Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1989..

Andreae, M. O.; Schimel, D. S. (Hg.): Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and..

17,00 €
Brown, D. W.; Floyd, A. J.; Sainsbury, M: Organic Spectroscopy
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1988.

Brown, D. W.; Floyd, A. J.; Sainsbury, M: Organic Spectroscopy Chichester New York Brisbane..

27,00 €
Bernhard, M.; Bricnkman, F. E.; Sadler, P. J. (Hg.): The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in Environmental Processes. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1984..

Bernhard, M.; Bricnkman, F. E.; Sadler, P. J. (Hg.): The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in..

44,00 €
May, R. M. (Hg.): Exploitation of Marine Communities. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1984, April 1   6. With 4 photographs, 42..

May, R. M. (Hg.): Exploitation of Marine Communities. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1984..

12,00 €
Anderson, R. M.; May, R. M. (Hg.): Population Biology of Infectious Deseases. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1982, March 14   19..

Anderson, R. M.; May, R. M. (Hg.): Population Biology of Infectious Deseases. Report of the Dahlem..

15,00 €
Holland, H. D.; Schidlowski, M. (Hg.): Mineral Deposits and the Evolution of the Biosphere. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1980, September 1 5..

Holland, H. D.; Schidlowski, M. (Hg.): Mineral Deposits and the Evolution of the Biosphere. Report..

17,00 €
Bergman, Torbern [Olof]: Opuscules Chymiques et Physiques de M[onsieur] T[orbern] Bergman. Recueillis, revus et augmentés par lui même. Traduits par M[onsieur Louis Bernard Guyton] de..

Bergman, Torbern [Olof]: Opuscules Chymiques et Physiques de M[onsieur] T[orbern] Bergman..

694,00 €
Herzfeld, H.; Beer, M.; Matzdorff, Carl: Repetitorium für Chemie, Physik, Pharmakognosie und Botanik für Apotheker, Mediciner, Chemiker etc
 Berlin, Fischer's medicin. Buchhandlung H. Kornfeld, 1897.

Herzfeld, H.; Beer, M.; Matzdorff, Carl: Repetitorium für Chemie, Physik, Pharmakognosie und..

24,00 €
M. R. Zimmermann: Benzocyanaldoxim und Abkömmlinge.

M. R. Zimmermann: Benzocyanaldoxim und Abkömmlinge.

17,00 €
Coates, G. E. / Green, M. L. H. / Powell, P. / Wade, K: Einführung in die metallorganische Chemie.

Coates, G. E. / Green, M. L. H. / Powell, P. / Wade, K: Einführung in die metallorganische Chemie.

59,00 €
Barrow, Gordon M: Physikalische Chemie [III]. Teil III: Mischphasenthermodynamik, Elektrochemie, Reaktionskinetik. Lehrbuch für Chemiker, Verfahrenstechniker, Physiker ab 3. Semester.

Barrow, Gordon M: Physikalische Chemie [III]. Teil III: Mischphasenthermodynamik, Elektrochemie..

16,00 €
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