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159 Artikel gefunden


Cartes postales moderne New York City Staten Island Ferrt and Lower Manhattan

Cartes postales moderne New York City Staten Island Ferrt and Lower Manhattan

4,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Bailey Island Located in the Brunswick Bath Area with Joquish Island in the Foreground

Cartes postales moderne Bailey Island Located in the Brunswick Bath Area with Joquish Island in the..

4,00 €
Cartes postales moderne New York City Skyline from Welfare Island

Cartes postales moderne New York City Skyline from Welfare Island

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne United Nations and New York City Skyline By Night From Welfare Island

Cartes postales moderne United Nations and New York City Skyline By Night From Welfare Island

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Lower Manhattan From Governor's Island New York City

Cartes postales moderne Lower Manhattan From Governor's Island New York City

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Niagara Horseshoe Falls The American Falls from Goat Island

Cartes postales moderne Niagara Horseshoe Falls The American Falls from Goat Island

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Canada Toronto Centre Island Park

Cartes postales moderne Canada Toronto Centre Island Park

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Canada Ontario Toronto Island Ferry and The Toronto Skyline Bateau

Cartes postales moderne Canada Ontario Toronto Island Ferry and The Toronto Skyline Bateau

6,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Victoria Island British Columbia

Cartes postales moderne Victoria Island British Columbia

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Islands Skydeck Hill Island Ontario Canada

Cartes postales moderne Islands Skydeck Hill Island Ontario Canada

6,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Brackley Beach Prince Edward Island Canada

Cartes postales moderne Brackley Beach Prince Edward Island Canada

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Green Gables Prince Edward Island

Cartes postales moderne Green Gables Prince Edward Island

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne North Shore Bridge Prince Edward Island Canada

Cartes postales moderne North Shore Bridge Prince Edward Island Canada

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Hunter River Prince Edward Island Canada

Cartes postales moderne Hunter River Prince Edward Island Canada

5,00 €
Cartes postales Goat Island Bridge Niagara Falls

Cartes postales Goat Island Bridge Niagara Falls

6,00 €
Cartes postales Halifax Harbour from Citadel showing Georges Island

Cartes postales Halifax Harbour from Citadel showing Georges Island

6,00 €
Cartes postales moderne A Pretty View on the-Beach at Roqueta Island Acapulco Gro Mexico

Cartes postales moderne A Pretty View on the-Beach at Roqueta Island Acapulco Gro Mexico

6,00 €
Cartes postales moderne The Bay of the Island called Island of Women

Cartes postales moderne The Bay of the Island called Island of Women

5,00 €
Cartes postales Statue of Liberty on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor  New York City

Cartes postales Statue of Liberty on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor New York City

6,00 €
Cartes postales moderne The Statue of Liberty on Bedloes Island in New York Harbor

Cartes postales moderne The Statue of Liberty on Bedloes Island in New York Harbor

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne New York City Right Statue of Liberty Liberty island in New York Harbor Left Empire State Buildi

Cartes postales moderne New York City Right Statue of Liberty Liberty island in New York Harbor..

5,00 €
Cartes postales The Statue of Liberty on Bedloes Island in New York Harbor

Cartes postales The Statue of Liberty on Bedloes Island in New York Harbor

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne New York City Starting at the southern tip of Manhattan Island this aerial view extends northwar

Cartes postales moderne New York City Starting at the southern tip of Manhattan Island this aerial..

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne New York City This panoramic view of Manhattan island as seen across Liberty Island including th

Cartes postales moderne New York City This panoramic view of Manhattan island as seen across..

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Statue of Liberty This famous statue stands on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor and welcomes v

Cartes postales moderne Statue of Liberty This famous statue stands on Bedloe's Island in New York..

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne New York City Downtown Skyline as seen from Ellis Island

Cartes postales moderne New York City Downtown Skyline as seen from Ellis Island

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne New York Lower Manhattan New York Harbor and the famous Staten Island Ferry

Cartes postales moderne New York Lower Manhattan New York Harbor and the famous Staten Island Ferry

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne New York Lower Manhattan Island

Cartes postales moderne New York Lower Manhattan Island

5,00 €
Cartes postales moderne Kaien Island With Prince Rupert

Cartes postales moderne Kaien Island With Prince Rupert

4,00 €
Cartes postales American Falls from Goat Island

Cartes postales American Falls from Goat Island

4,00 €
Cartes postales Horseshoe Falls from Goast island

Cartes postales Horseshoe Falls from Goast island

4,00 €
Cartes postales American Falls from Goat Island

Cartes postales American Falls from Goat Island

4,00 €
Cartes postales American Falls from Goat Island Niagara

Cartes postales American Falls from Goat Island Niagara

4,00 €
Cartes postales Horseshoe Fall From Goat Island Niagara Falls

Cartes postales Horseshoe Fall From Goat Island Niagara Falls

4,00 €
Cartes postales Niagara Falls Horseshoe Falls From Goat Island

Cartes postales Niagara Falls Horseshoe Falls From Goat Island

4,00 €
Cartes postales Niagara Falls American Falls From Goat Island

Cartes postales Niagara Falls American Falls From Goat Island

4,00 €
Cartes postales Horseshoe Falls From Goat Island Niagara Falls

Cartes postales Horseshoe Falls From Goat Island Niagara Falls

4,00 €
Cartes postales American Falls And Steel Arch Bridge From Luma Island Nigara Falls

Cartes postales American Falls And Steel Arch Bridge From Luma Island Nigara Falls

4,00 €
Cartes postales Horseshoe Falls From Goat Island Niagara Falls

Cartes postales Horseshoe Falls From Goat Island Niagara Falls

4,00 €
Cartes postales moderne The Awe Inspiring Skyline of Manhattan Island Only United Air lines Links New York

Cartes postales moderne The Awe Inspiring Skyline of Manhattan Island Only United Air lines Links..

3,00 €
Cartes postales American Fall from Goat Island Niagara

Cartes postales American Fall from Goat Island Niagara

4,00 €
Canada - Horseshoe Falls from Goat Island - Cartes postales

Canada - Horseshoe Falls from Goat Island - Cartes postales

4,00 €
View of Harbour and skyline as seen from St Helens Island - Cartes postales

View of Harbour and skyline as seen from St Helens Island - Cartes postales

3,00 €
Postcard Brooklyn Coney Island Helter Skelter Luna Park 1911

Postcard Brooklyn Coney Island Helter Skelter Luna Park 1911

13,00 €
Postcard Brooklyn Coney Island Hippodrom Luna Park 1905

Postcard Brooklyn Coney Island Hippodrom Luna Park 1905

18,00 €
Chicago   Blue Island Avenue (Tschechien Beschreibung) Vintage Postcard 

Chicago Blue Island Avenue (Tschechien Beschreibung) Vintage Postcard 1904

145,00 €
Jekyll Island Pampas Grass in bloom/Pflanzen & Botanik Blüte 1980

Jekyll Island Pampas Grass in bloom/Pflanzen & Botanik Blüte 1980

4,00 €
USA - NEW YORK - Statue of Liberty, Freiheitsstatue Liberty Island

USA - NEW YORK - Statue of Liberty, Freiheitsstatue Liberty Island

1,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96

Antike Ansichtskarten aus den USA und aus Kanada sammeln

Nordamerika beherbergt zwei der beliebtesten Urlaubsländer der Welt: die USA und Kanada. Daher können wir Ihnen ein umfangreiches Sortiment an alten Postkarten des Kontinents bieten. Heute zeigen Ihnen antike Ansichtskarten Natur und Leben, wie es in vergangenen Jahrzehnten war.

Alte Postkarten von Maine bis Mexiko

Alle 50 Bundesstaaten der USA sind auf antiken Ansichtskarten verewigt und auch das südlich des Landes gelegene Mexiko hat viel zu bieten. Die faszinierenden Kontraste können Sie beispielsweise bei Ansichtskarten aus Mexiko nachvollziehen: Hier finden Sie einerseits Naturmotive mit mächtigen Klippen oder wüstenartigen Landstrichen.

Andererseits zeigen Ansichtskarten aus Mexiko moderne Städte mit Hotels und Sehenswürdigkeiten wie der Mondpyramide. Diese Vielfalt finden Sie in Mexiko genauso wie in jedem US-amerikanischen Bundesstaat, was alte Ansichtskarten so begehrenswert macht.

Kanada auf antiken Ansichtskarten

Ob die eingefrorenen Niagara Fälle oder die Skyline von Vancouver: Fotos und Illustrationen des nordamerikanischen Landes zieren alte Postkarten aus Kanada. Volksfeste vergangener Jahrzehnte, längst renovierte Hotels und vergessene Naturgebiete können Sie auf alten Ansichtskarten aus Kanada neu entdecken.