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154 Artikel gefunden


Arch Bridge, East Durham, N.Y. year 1913

Arch Bridge, East Durham, N.Y. year 1913

12,00 €
Lake Lanier By Moonlight, On The North-South Carolina State Line.

Lake Lanier By Moonlight, On The North-South Carolina State Line.

4,25 €
Hancock and Adams Room, Hancock - Clarke House, Lexington, Mass.

Hancock and Adams Room, Hancock - Clarke House, Lexington, Mass.

7,00 €
An Orange Grove Near The Foothills, California

An Orange Grove Near The Foothills, California

5,46 €
Riverside Church, New York.

Riverside Church, New York.

4,10 €
Boston, Mass. Sheep. Franklin Park. year 1911

Boston, Mass. Sheep. Franklin Park. year 1911

8,12 €
St. Patrick s Cathedral, New York City.

St. Patrick s Cathedral, New York City.

4,14 €
Hancock-Clark House, Lexington, Mass. year 1905

Hancock-Clark House, Lexington, Mass. year 1905

7,12 €
Bridge in Franklin Park. Boston, Mass. year 1910

Bridge in Franklin Park. Boston, Mass. year 1910

10,00 €
Springfield, Mass. year 1910

Springfield, Mass. year 1910

7,24 €
Buried Alive, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Buried Alive, Brooklyn, N. Y.

6,77 €
Luna Park, Surf Avenue, Coney Island, N. Y. year 1910

Luna Park, Surf Avenue, Coney Island, N. Y. year 1910

10,00 €
Minerva Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel In Distance, Yellowstone Park.

Minerva Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel In Distance, Yellowstone Park.

4,49 €
Rock Formation, known as the Holy City in Shoshone canyon, Yellowstone Park

Rock Formation, known as the Holy City in Shoshone canyon, Yellowstone Park

4,68 €
Boardwalk From West 8th Street, Coney Island, New York.

Boardwalk From West 8th Street, Coney Island, New York.

4,24 €
Central Park Bridle Path. New York. year 1912

Central Park Bridle Path. New York. year 1912

18,00 €
The Palisades, Hudson River.

The Palisades, Hudson River.

5,49 €
Fountain On Mall. Central Park. New York City.

Fountain On Mall. Central Park. New York City.

5,65 €
Beaver Dam, Near Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park.

Beaver Dam, Near Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park.

4,28 €
Eroded Column Near Yavapai Point, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.

Eroded Column Near Yavapai Point, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.

4,17 €
The High Wall at Grand View. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.

The High Wall at Grand View. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.

4,17 €
Cleopatra Terrace. Mammoth Hot Springs. Yellowstone National Park.

Cleopatra Terrace. Mammoth Hot Springs. Yellowstone National Park.

4,42 €
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone.

Lower Falls of the Yellowstone.

4,20 €
Merrick Park, Springfield, Mass. Year 1907

Merrick Park, Springfield, Mass. Year 1907

7,42 €
Grand Canyon of Arizona, From Grand View Point. Year 1910

Grand Canyon of Arizona, From Grand View Point. Year 1910

7,89 €
Road in Forest Park, Springfield, Mass. Year 1910

Road in Forest Park, Springfield, Mass. Year 1910

12,00 €
View from the island, cedar lake, wis. 1923

View from the island, cedar lake, wis. 1923

6,15 €
Rainbow Falls, Ausable Chasm, N.Y.

Rainbow Falls, Ausable Chasm, N.Y.

4,82 €
Five Cascades, Haines Falls, Catskill Mountains, N.Y.

Five Cascades, Haines Falls, Catskill Mountains, N.Y.

5,42 €
Sunrise on lake champlain, bluff point, N.Y.

Sunrise on lake champlain, bluff point, N.Y.

4,60 €
City Investing Building, New York. Year 1913

City Investing Building, New York. Year 1913

7,95 €
Midwinter Scene, Orange grove and snow on mountains near Los Angeles. Year 1913

Midwinter Scene, Orange grove and snow on mountains near Los Angeles. Year 1913

9,00 €
A romantic southern moonlight scene.

A romantic southern moonlight scene.

4,17 €
Sleeping Giant, Yellowstone Lake.

Sleeping Giant, Yellowstone Lake.

4,20 €
Looking southeast through Union Square at night, New York. jahr 1910

Looking southeast through Union Square at night, New York. jahr 1910

5,10 €
Towers Along The Cody Road in Shoshone Canyon.

Towers Along The Cody Road in Shoshone Canyon.

5,01 €
Mt. San Jacinto from Devil s Garden, California.

Mt. San Jacinto from Devil s Garden, California.

5,00 €
Fort Washington Memorial, New York.

Fort Washington Memorial, New York.

6,77 €
City Investing Building, New York.

City Investing Building, New York.

5,45 €
Looking through the Vale of Cashmere, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. jahr 1910

Looking through the Vale of Cashmere, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. jahr 1910

8,00 €
Regiment Armory, Brooklyn, N.Y. // year 1909

Regiment Armory, Brooklyn, N.Y. // year 1909

6,26 €
U. S. Capitol, Washington, D. C.

U. S. Capitol, Washington, D. C.

4,16 €
Paris, Congressional Library, Washington, D.C.

Paris, Congressional Library, Washington, D.C.

4,19 €
The United States Capitol, From The Northeast, Washington, D.C.

The United States Capitol, From The Northeast, Washington, D.C.

4,16 €
Prometheus. Congressional Library. Washington. D. C.

Prometheus. Congressional Library. Washington. D. C.

7,00 €
Thomas Circle, Washington, D.C.

Thomas Circle, Washington, D.C.

5,35 €
White Elephant, Yellowstone Park

White Elephant, Yellowstone Park

5,56 €
Thomas Jefferson Memorial and Cherry Blossoms, Washington, D. C.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial and Cherry Blossoms, Washington, D. C.

5,20 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96

Antike Ansichtskarten aus den USA von New York bis Los Angeles

Die USA sind für viele Menschen ein Sehnsuchtsland, was auch die große Menge alte Ansichtskarten zeigt. Gelaufene und ungelaufene Karten wurden als Reiseerinnerung und Gruß aus dem Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten verschickt oder mitgebracht.

Sammlerstücke aus allen 50 Bundesstaaten: alte Ansichtskarten der USA

Wegen der großen Menge an Ansichtskarten aus den USA lässt sich die Entwicklung des nordamerikanischen Landes über dieses Medium ideal nachverfolgen. Sehenswürdigkeiten und Alltagsszenen aus allen 50 Bundesstaaten der USA werden auf unseren alten Ansichtskarten dargestellt. Palmenstrände im Florida der 1960er Jahre können Sie auf antiken Ansichtskarten genauso bewundern wie Casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, oder Kunstwerke aus Kalifornien.

Historische Postkarten aus New York

Eine besondere Faszination übt New York City aus, weshalb Sie bei uns viele Ansichtskarten der Ostküsten-Metropole finden. Darauf sind berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Rockefeller Center oder das Empire State Building im Wandel der Zeit zu sehen. Doch Ansichtskarten aus New York bieten noch viel mehr, denn sie zeigen Ihnen Motive des gesamten Bundesstaates.

Lassen Sie sich von ländlichen Motiven aus Kleinstädten verzaubern und bewundern Sie Postkarten aus New York mit Naturszenen beliebter Seen und Wälder wie beispielsweise dem Green Lake.