Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Kalifornien

5.151 Artikel gefunden


AK Pasadena, CA, The Adolphus Busch Residence

AK Pasadena, CA, The Adolphus Busch Residence

6,00 €
AK Santa Cruz, CA, Vacation-land of the Pacific

AK Santa Cruz, CA, Vacation-land of the Pacific

6,00 €
AK Ocean Park, CA, Bath House and Beach

AK Ocean Park, CA, Bath House and Beach

6,00 €
AK San Francisco, CA, Grant Ave., Scene in Chinatown

AK San Francisco, CA, Grant Ave., Scene in Chinatown

6,00 €
AK Coronado, CA, Hotel del Coronado

AK Coronado, CA, Hotel del Coronado

6,00 €
AK Mill Valley, CA, Congregational Church and School House

AK Mill Valley, CA, Congregational Church and School House

6,00 €
AK Los Angeles, CA, La Fiesta de les Flores

AK Los Angeles, CA, La Fiesta de les Flores

6,00 €
AK Ocean Park, CA, Frazer`s Million Dollar Pier

AK Ocean Park, CA, Frazer`s Million Dollar Pier

6,00 €
AK Oakland, CA, Lake Temescal

AK Oakland, CA, Lake Temescal

6,00 €
AK Long Beach, CA, Ocean Avenue looking West

AK Long Beach, CA, Ocean Avenue looking West

6,00 €
AK Coronado Beach, CA, Japanese Tea Garden at Coronado Hotel

AK Coronado Beach, CA, Japanese Tea Garden at Coronado Hotel

6,00 €
AK Sacramento, CA, St. Josephs Academy, 8th- 9th and G Sts.

AK Sacramento, CA, St. Josephs Academy, 8th- 9th and G Sts.

6,00 €
AK Oakland, CA, High School, Frontansicht

AK Oakland, CA, High School, Frontansicht

6,00 €
AK San Diego, CA, Hotel del Coronado

AK San Diego, CA, Hotel del Coronado

6,00 €
AK Beverly Hills, CA, The Will Roger`s Ranch House in the Santa Monica Mountains

AK Beverly Hills, CA, The Will Roger`s Ranch House in the Santa Monica Mountains

6,00 €
AK Oakland, CA, California Post Office

AK Oakland, CA, California Post Office

6,00 €
AK San Diego, CA, U.S. Naval Hospital, Balboa Park

AK San Diego, CA, U.S. Naval Hospital, Balboa Park

6,00 €
AK San Diego, The San Diego Hotel

AK San Diego, The San Diego Hotel

6,00 €
AK Oakland, CA, A Typical Residence Street

AK Oakland, CA, A Typical Residence Street

6,00 €
AK Stanford, CA, Home of Presiden Hoover, The Campus, Stanford University

AK Stanford, CA, Home of Presiden Hoover, The Campus, Stanford University

6,00 €
AK San Diego, CA, Pickwick Stage Terminal and Hotel, First and Broadway

AK San Diego, CA, Pickwick Stage Terminal and Hotel, First and Broadway

6,00 €
AK San Diego, CA, The San Diego Hotel

AK San Diego, CA, The San Diego Hotel

6,00 €
AK San Jose, CA, First St. looking South, showing Court House

AK San Jose, CA, First St. looking South, showing Court House

6,00 €
AK Oakland, CA, The New Polytechnic College Building, Twelfth and Harrison Streets

AK Oakland, CA, The New Polytechnic College Building, Twelfth and Harrison Streets

6,00 €
AK Oakland, CA, United States Post Office

AK Oakland, CA, United States Post Office

6,00 €
AK Palo Alto, CA, Charter Oaks

AK Palo Alto, CA, Charter Oaks

6,00 €
AK Santa Clara Co., CA, On the Road to Congress Springs

AK Santa Clara Co., CA, On the Road to Congress Springs

6,00 €
AK San Jose, CA, Entrance to College of Notre Dame

AK San Jose, CA, Entrance to College of Notre Dame

6,00 €
AK Palo Alto, CA, Episcopal Church

AK Palo Alto, CA, Episcopal Church

6,00 €
AK Riverside, CA, Spanish Patio, Mission Inn

AK Riverside, CA, Spanish Patio, Mission Inn

6,00 €
AK Huntington Beach, CA, Holly Sugar Factory

AK Huntington Beach, CA, Holly Sugar Factory

6,00 €
AK San Francisco, CA, Cliff House, from Sutro Heights

AK San Francisco, CA, Cliff House, from Sutro Heights

6,00 €
AK San Francisco, CA, Panorama with Harbor

AK San Francisco, CA, Panorama with Harbor

6,00 €
AK San Francisco, CA, General View and Alcatraz Island

AK San Francisco, CA, General View and Alcatraz Island

6,00 €
AK San Francisco, CA, View of Downtown District

AK San Francisco, CA, View of Downtown District

6,00 €
AK Los Angeles, CA, Famous Marble Lobby, Hotel Alexandria

AK Los Angeles, CA, Famous Marble Lobby, Hotel Alexandria

6,00 €
AK Coronado, CA, Beach and Tent City

AK Coronado, CA, Beach and Tent City

6,00 €
AK San Diego, CA, General View from Aeroplane

AK San Diego, CA, General View from Aeroplane

6,00 €
AK Venice, CA, Band Concert

AK Venice, CA, Band Concert

6,00 €
AK Coronado Beach, CA, The Court, Hotel Coronado

AK Coronado Beach, CA, The Court, Hotel Coronado

6,00 €
AK Merced, CA, Main Street

AK Merced, CA, Main Street

6,00 €
AK Los Angeles, CA, St. Bernard Cafe, 4057 So. Figueroa Street

AK Los Angeles, CA, St. Bernard Cafe, 4057 So. Figueroa Street

6,00 €
AK San Jose, CA, Entrance to College of Notre Dame

AK San Jose, CA, Entrance to College of Notre Dame

6,00 €
AK Merced, CA, Grammar School

AK Merced, CA, Grammar School

6,00 €
AK Los Angeles, CA, Central Park

AK Los Angeles, CA, Central Park

6,00 €
AK San Francisco, CA, Panorama and Harbor

AK San Francisco, CA, Panorama and Harbor

6,00 €
AK San Francisco, CA, St. Francis Hotel

AK San Francisco, CA, St. Francis Hotel

6,00 €
AK San Francisco, CA, Geschäft Sang Lung Co., Street Scene in Chinatown, Strassenpartie

AK San Francisco, CA, Geschäft Sang Lung Co., Street Scene in Chinatown, Strassenpartie

6,00 €